Discipleship, Leadership


Our Heavenly Father Holds the Keys

Becoming a Parent That Balances Rules and Relationship
Photo Credit: Safety first via photopin

This week, we’ve been discussing parenting, trying to find balance in how we raise our kids. So far, we’ve covered the following:

(1) How To Become a Parent That Shows Biblical Love, (2) What To Know Before Issuing That Next Consequence, and (3) Parenting With the Power of Compassion.

Today, we conclude our conversation.

Our Heavenly Father’s union with His children is a perfect balance of rules and relationship. We shouldn’t be surprised that as parents, we’re called to balance rules and relationship.

Going too heavy on rules, where the Law is primary, can lead to heartache. But going too heavy on the relationship, trying to be friends instead of parents, can also lead to heartache.

We must find balance with our children, as God has with us.

Parenting In the Church

What role does the church play in parenting?

According to Scripture, we’re a family, brothers and sisters. We embrace child dedication, where as a church, we commit to assisting parents raise their children.

But do we mean it?

When a mom’s struggling with a child having a tantrum, will we ignore her or help her? When a dad looks overwhelmed, holding his screaming toddler, will we ignore him or help him?

The church should come along side parents and help them find the balance between consequence and compassion. Help them find the balance between rules and relationship.

Be Courageous

I understand that it takes courage to ignore that voice inside our heads that says: “They don’t want your help.

But believe me, as a father of 3 children, if we don’t need it we’ll tell you, but don’t stop asking. We might just need you next time!

Join The Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts:

How can we balance rules and relationship? What should parents stay focused on?

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