Bible, Technology


How Useful Is It?

Do We Use The Bible?Last week, I posed the question, “Do we believe that the Bible is God-breathed?” Do we really believe the Bible is inspired by God?

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

According to this passage, Scripture is not just God-breathed; it is also useful. But how do we know the Bible is useful? Should we just take Paul‘s word for it? Or since we believe God spoke through Paul, we could take God’s word for it.

Or perhaps, we could act on our belief and try to use it. After all, a true Believer of God’s inspiration would want to use that inspiration for their benefit, would they not?

Let me use an example.

Mac vs. PC

I was a PC user for years. Our first family computer was a PC, so I always used PCs. But little by little, the people around me started using Apple computers. Especially friends of mine that were into audio and video work, photography and graphic design.

Every one of them, once they started using a Mac became Apple evangelists. They could not stop talking about how this machine had changed their life.

Now at first I gave all the typical arguments regarding cost verses value and population usage. Then I reverted to the more relevant arguments like,

Mac’s are just for nerds, yuppies and hipsters.

Nevertheless, my friends assured me that I didn’t know what I was missing. That once I moved over completely to an Apple computer and chucked my PC, I’d never want to use a Windows-based product again.

According to them, everything I did before using a PC would be easier and more enjoyable on a Mac. They used to say,

Once you go Mac, you’ll never go back!

So I went all in and got a Mac.

The changeover was a little frustrating at the beginning. But as they promised, the more I used each and every application, the more I realized how beneficial they were to me.

And I’ve used Apple products ever since.


Now time for one of Jeremy’s caveats, so I don’t get any interesting comments below: I am NOT comparing Steve Jobs to Jesus. I am NOT saying that God only uses Apple computers.

If you’re using a PC, that is just fine. Keep using it if you like it.

What I am trying to convey is that I didn’t know how useful an Apple computer would be to MY life until I started using it for every application.

The Comparison

If I had of kept my PC right beside it, instead of abandoning it altogether, I would have been tempted to revert back. Whenever I was in a hurry or didn’t feel like working through the learning curve, I would have gone back to what was easy and comfortable.

This same concept plays out for many Christians in regard to the Bible.

Too often, even though we’ve been convinced, through personal testimony (or the Holy Spirit) that the Bible is the Word of God (and the best guidebook for living a fulfilled life), we don’t use it like we believe that.

Instead of digging into it every time we face a situation or struggle, we tend to revert to easier, more comfortable option that our old-self clings to:

  • Phoning a friend that we know will agree with us.
  • Reading a self-help book.
  • Googling until we find an answer that we like.

Instead, the Bible should be our go-to resource every time!

God-Breathed Pages

The more often we dive into those God-breathed pages, the more their words will be imprinted on our minds and character. Each and every situation filtered through Scripture prepares us for the next.

Remember, “…useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training…” (2 Tim. 3:16)

The more we use the Bible for teaching ourselves, and the people around us; the more useful it will become as a teaching tool.

The more we use the Bible to rebuke sin; the more useful it will become as a resource for steering others toward a better path.

The more we use the Bible to correct someone; the more useful it will become in times of conflict.

The more we use the Bible as a training manual for life; the more useful it will become to have a more fulfilling life.

The more we use the Bible the more useful it becomes. The more we use the Bible the more useful it will become for our future. And then we’ll start to experience what it feels like to be “…thoroughly equipped….” (2 Tim. 3:17)


In 2 Timothy, Paul states that the Bible is useful. How has the Bible been useful for you in the few weeks?

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