Bible, Music

How God Continues to Choose Unlikely People To Do Extraordinary Things

Sometimes scrolling through social pays off.

As I scrolled through the latest posts, I was introduced to the incredible talent of a 10-year-old, blind, autistic boy named Christopher Duffley. This remarkable boy was adopted into a Christian home early on, but then God took over!

I could write a massive post about his life and challenges, but his Dad gives a concise and slightly comical plug for his son’s life. Then his son takes the stage and silences the crowd. This clip made me well up with emotion, as I was drawn into the innocence of this boy’s praise to the Father. How truly small we are in the sight of our Creator.

If you’re interested, “Click HERE to watch  “Open The Eyes Of My Heart” sung by Christopher Duffley.

This morning, I have been given an overwhelming encouragement from an extraordinary gift given to a less-than-likely person. May we never forget Jesus’ words to His Father, given up in prayer.

I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children. Yes, Father, for this is what you were pleased to do.” (Luke 10:21b)

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

  • Why does God choose unlikely people to do extraordinary things?
  • What could God be calling you to do?
  • How could God use you to do something extraordinary?

4 thoughts on “How God Continues to Choose Unlikely People To Do Extraordinary Things

  1. Anita Minielly says:

    Wow – what an amazing young man and an inspiration this holiday season. Thanks for sharing!

    1. He sure is Anita! Speaking of holiday season, I hope your doing well and have a refreshing time with friends and family! Thanks for your comment and thanks for reading!

  2. Keith Straume says:

    This is amazing. What an amazing heart he has. That’s incredible.

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