Discipleship, Outreach


Are we all ready for the Lord’s return?

Photo Credit: Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight via photopin
Photo Credit: Holy Trinity Church, Trinity Road, Ventnor, Isle of Wight via photopin

This week, I started our post-series with a song by Larry Norman titled, “I Wish We’d All Been Ready.” based on Matthew 24.

I think it’s only fitting to end this series with the question, “Are we all ready?

Moreover, with Easter only a week away, celebrating the resurrection always brings us toward thoughts of our Lord’s return.

An Easter invitation could prevent someone from being left behind.

We need to ask ourselves three questions:

First (1), are we all prepared? Are we focused on a full life of celebrating our desires or are we truly prepared for Christ’s return at any moment

Second (2), are we all watchful? Are we living in such away that we’re anticipating Christ’s return at any moment? Is it so evident, that everyone who we work with and interact with on a daily basis, know we’re watchful?

Lastly (3), are we all ready? And this is the most crucial. Are we a people who are ready for action? Do we want our Lord catching us sleeping on the job or standing strong at our post, alert and in anticipation?

Left Behind

Ignoring for a moment, the Hollywood spins on this title, I want to bring light to one more aspect of this passage. Like in Noah’s day, many people are going to be left behind.

Like the men and women who were working together, 2 of them got left behind. Finally, there are many metaphoric homeowners that will be caught sleeping, and will be left behind.

The Easter Opportunity

If we know people will be left behind, we shouldn’t be satisfied with doing nothing about it. This is where Easter comes in. It’s next week.

For whatever reason, there are two times each year where people consider visiting a church more than others. Christmas and Easter have become cultural celebrations. Therefore, people are more likely to accept an invitation.

During Christmas and Easter, people are more willing to contemplate and consider this man named Jesus.

Here’s the challenge:

This week, give someone an invitation to come to church with you this Easter. And as you invite them, offer up a small prayer, “Lord, I don’t want this person to be left behind. And I’m asking you to help me make sure they don’t.

Let’s see what God is willing to do with an invitation and a prayer.

A Final Thought from Psalm 130

If you, Lord, kept a record of sins, Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve you. I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for the morning, more than watchmen wait for the morning.” (Psalm 130:3-6)

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

When you hear the words, “left behind” who do you think of first? Knowing that Easter is approaching and people are more willing to accept an invitation to church, are you willing to invite that person?


  1. Just a thought, the passage you mention about one being taken and one being left. The context is that the ones taken are taken in Judgement while the ones left escape judgement. Puts a whole different spin on it opposite to many peoples interpretation. Otherwise I agree with the premise of your letter, Be Ready!!

    1. Thanks for your comment Darryl.

      Looks like there’s some heavy debate on the passage. (i.e. Who are the taken?)

      Can you quickly explain your position on Jesus’ connection with the story of Noah? The way I see it, the people left behind in Noah’s day were definitely the wicked ones.

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