Bible, Discipleship, Leadership


Decisions, Decisions!

There are many days of struggle for the Believer. There are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. However, at every mistake or point of struggle, there is a choice to be made.

Will we allow God to get us back on track or will we arrogantly push through the struggle, neglecting an opportunity for God to take control?

In 1 Samuel 13, we find the beginning of King Saul’s demise. His status as king caused him to neglect the proper order of sacrifice outlined by God. His struggle with patience and pride led to his downfall.

When Samuel arrives, Saul receives some bad news.

’You have done a foolish thing,’ Samuel said. ‘You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.’” (13:13-14)

By chapter 15 of 1 Samuel, King Saul’s character continues to unfold. Eventually, God gives Saul over to his own devices and Samuel is forced to leave his service to King Saul.

But Samuel said to him, ‘I will not go back with you. You have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you as king over Israel!’” (15:26)

Grab a cup of coffee and relax.

Take some time this morning and read through 1 Samuel 13-15. Consider each opportunity that Saul had to follow God’s instruction. Pay attention to how his pride and arrogance prevented him from making the right decisions.

  • What decisions will you have to make today?
  • What mistakes have you made in the past week?

Spend some time in prayer, asking God to bring about His instruction on mistakes made and actions yet to be taken. Write down His plans to make things right and move forward.

Join the Conversation, Share Your Thoughts

How has an area of struggle in your life, led to making poor decisions? What was the outcome of those poor decisions? Looking back, what would you have done differently?


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