Adventure, Discipleship, The North, Wildlife


Marine life gives me a greater appreciation.

Marine environments have always been a fascinating created world to me. Growing up in Southern Ontario provided numerous opportunities to experience a variety of watersheds and tributaries. Even a small pond proved to be a place of wonder.


My dad taught my brothers and I how to fish at an early age. In the Summer, I remember my brother and I riding our bikes to the outskirts of town. From there, we followed a trail or the train tracks down to a bridge over a creek. We’d have a fire, catch frogs and fish.

It’s at this creek where I first learned that putting a fish on a stringer is just the first step to keeping it. As I watched the fish swim away with a long cord hanging from it’s gill, I realised tying the other end to a tree would be beneficial if I wanted to actually keep the fish. We loved that spot and spent hours there.


Living in Alaska gave me my first opportunity to live close to the ocean. I had visited coastal places before, including Alaska; but actually living near the sea provided me with an abundance of joy and wonder.

My love and appreciation for marine life greatly increased, as I had opportunity to witness whale and porpoise, seal and otter, fish and other sea creatures of innumerable size and species. Many of the latter ended up on our table for dinner.

Our family enjoyed digging clams on the beach and pulling mussels of rocks. All of which were soon to be fried or boiled, then plunged into melted butter. Salmon, which was a delicacy back in Alberta, was common and abundant fare on the Kenai Peninsula, where we lived.

Greater Appreciation

I feel like I gained a greater appreciation for God’s provision, living close to the ocean. So much of our food was a blessing from His goodness to us; not a purchase from the grocery store.

Living close to the ocean and enjoying its bounty, truly changed how I see food in general. In turn, it has given me a greater desire to thank Him for smell and taste, and most of all, a full belly.

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