Creation, Discipleship


A Fisherman’s Prayer

Photo Credit: Ulf Bodin via photopin cc

I love fishing!

The fact is, that there are only a few things on this earth that I love more than fishing. (Before anyone asks, yes, my wife makes the top of the list.)

My 3 boys? (jk) Of course I love my boys more than fishing. And depending on the amount of rocks thrown in the water while I’m fishing, having my boys with me can be a great experience.

2 Fun Facts

For anyone who is an avid fisherman and a Christian, you know two things to be true:

1. John 21:3 can be a valuable resource to convince your friends and family that fishing is actually Biblical.

Simon Peter said to the others, ‘I am going fishing.’” (Jn. 21:3a)

2. Fishing is a sport that consistently impacts your prayer life.

You see, (and some of you may not know this), but the hope of the fisherman, is that a prayer may move him from the sport of fishing to his true heart’s desire, which is the sport of catching. These are vastly different.

A Fisherman’s Prayer

Many a fisherman has stood at the river’s edge, looked up to heaven, and started to pray:

Dear Lord, here I am again. My line’s in the water and I’m pretty sure you want me to catch a fish today.

In case you’re still debating on the issue, I just want you to think about the blessing it will be to my wife and children. Think of the nourishment dear Lord that your bounty will bring to their hunger.

Furthermore Lord, think of the testimony it would be to Your goodness and grace, to have an enlarged photo or better yet, a wall-mount hanging in my man-cave; so that when my friends come over dear Lord, I might spread the word of this great day of provision from Your mighty hand.

And our wives wonder why we never catch anything.

In all seriousness, this kind of fisherman’s prayer would, could and should never work. Within this request we see a major problem with the fisherman’s heart condition.

This prayer holds no humility and no faith. Instead, there’s arrogance in the thought that God could be manipulated. Moreover, there’s doubt that God doesn’t have a plan based on what the fisherman needs, not on what the fisherman wants.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16b)

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