Discipleship, Leadership


I Had a Plan.

When I moved to Calgary, I had a very different plan in comparison to what actually took place.

The initial plan was a dual role. Summers serving as camp director at our local bible camp, Northwest of Cochrane. When the camp closed for the season, I would transition back into our church in Calgary, directing Men’s Ministry and Life Groups.

The second piece to this plan was that I would begin my Master’s degree within a church-based program, through a seminary in British Columbia. I would perform my ministry roles, while gradually working toward my degree.

All in all, it was an excellent plan!

I was eager to get started.

Well, here I am a year and half later and that plan just didn’t pan out the way I had envisioned. Though the camp ministry component has taken place as planned, my church role definitely has not.

I was so excited to begin my Master’s degree. However, once the summer ended and I started my position at the church, I sensed that it wasn’t going to work out as seamlessly as I had anticipated. In hind-sight, I’m glad I listened to that still, small voice.

Not long after and through a tough set of circumstances, 3 staff members including the senior pastor left the church. Out of 5 staff members, only the part-time worship director and I remained.

Thankfully, we have replaced the administrative assistant and he’s doing a great job from my estimation.

We’re now back up to a team of 3!

At this point, we’re coming to a close on a pastoral search.

This fall, I transitioned from Men’s Ministry and Life Groups back into Student Ministries, directing both our youth and college & career programs. I was familiar with these ministries from my time in Alaska, so it was a relatively seamless transition.

The goal of this transition, is to allow our new Senior Pastor the freedom to work on his goals and objectives for our adult ministries. All of which he can now achieve without someone (myself) already directing a component of these adult ministries.

A fresh start for him and our working relationship.

Now that we are coming out of a valley, I am very hopeful for our church and grateful to soon have a new senior pastor. Perhaps, if all goes well, completing my Master’s degree will once again be a viable option?

Maybe I should even plan on it?

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