Bible, Discipleship, OT

What If We All Did What Was Right In Our Own Eyes?

Human beings are fallen.

The book of Judges has some incredible highs and some terrible lows. If you’ve ever read this book of the Bible straight through, there are times of excitement as you read about great warriors following the Lord, leading victory on the battlefield.

Then, you also feel nauseous as you read the accounts of what human beings are capable of when they turn from God. You’ve been disgusted at the descriptions of what people will do to each other to appease their anger or satisfy their lusts.

By the end of the book…

Today, I have no deep thoughts or extensive comments. I simply want to focus in on the last verse of the book, Judges 21:25.

It’s a single sentence that actually appears multiple times throughout the book of Judges. And by the end of the book, if you read it straight through, it will have solidified itself in your mind because of the repetition.

“In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (Judges 21:25)

The book doesn’t end on a high note, does it? It leaves the reader a clear indication that things are about to fall apart for God’s people…again.

But that’s the Old Testament!

Maybe you’re thinking, “We’re more modern and civilized now. Surely, human beings have come a long way since then!”

Unfortunately, no. Society can and has fallen apart just as severely and quickly without, as Judges indicates, rulership.

Consider Romans 13:1-7, where the Apostle calls the Church to submit to their earthly authorities. Why? According to Paul, because they have been placed there by God for our good.

As we read through Judges, we have evidence of Paul’s instruction. There will always be a massive downfall in society when a nation is without a ruler. Read Paul’s words for yourself.

“2 Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. 3 For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, 4 for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” (Romans 13:2-4)

No authority, no governing body; what happens?

What would our society look like with no authority? What would human beings do to each other without some form of governing body?  What would we try to get away with if we had no police force or military?

The book of Judges gives us some sobering evidence of what might happen! But if we need modern proof, just look at countries around the world that have seen the vile behaviour of human nature when political systems break down.

It often begins with dictatorship and corruption, leading to political unrest, then societal breakdown. Soon after, human behaviour turns into a total free-for-all of looting, rioting, and theft. And in the worst cases, abuse, rape, and murder.

In the past couple of decades, we’ve witnessed a few African countries plunge into the deepest levels of deviance, training children as soldiers, then forcing them to commit the most heinous acts.

Bottom line; when governments are overthrown, everyone is left to do what is right in their own eyes.

A few more post-Judges thoughts.

Despite my political or social views, after reading through Judges, I am counting my blessings. Although I see our government going down a road that may be difficult to come back from, I am thankful that at this time, God has granted us the stability to earn money, buy food, own a home, and keep our families safe.

I am also very thankful for our law enforcement and military, who have been charged with the difficult task of keeping human nature at bay. The average citizen often has no clue what has gone on during a night shift or in a foreign land, while they’ve been at home, safe and sound asleep.

[bctt tweet=”I’m thankful for our law enforcement and military, charged with the difficult task of keeping human nature at bay. We have no clue what goes on during a night shift or in a foreign land, while we’re safe at home, and sound asleep.” username=”PastorJNorton”]

Police officers and military personnel work tirelessly to keep the random acts of violence, and the darkest recesses of human behaviour, from becoming the norm in our society. Drop a text to thank a cop or a soldier today if you know one!

Someday, our society will fall.

Someday, our “ethical” modern Western society will have its time of moral breakdown. Maybe that day is nearer than we’d like to believe? For the Christian, the evidence in Scripture and in human behaviour gives us proof that the peace and prosperity that most of us enjoy will one day fall.

Thankfully, for those of us who have accepted God’s plan for salvation, we can be at rest knowing that when the entire world becomes like the days of Judges, the true King and Ruler, Jesus will return. Then we will live in eternal peace with Him in glory!

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

  • When’s the last time you read through the book of Judges?
  • What thoughts can you share about the volatility of human behaviour outlined in those Scriptures?

4 thoughts on “What If We All Did What Was Right In Our Own Eyes?

  1. Reminds me of the book “Lord of the Flies.”

    No rules, no leadership, do whatever feels right, etc. Sorta sounds like freedom, but is really bondage and ends in disaster.

  2. I wonder if perhaps the idea of Judges was that God was supposed to be the ruler. It was a shame to see how without a king, or at least a strong leader, the people of Israel turned so quickly from God. Even more so to see how I've done that in my own life.

    🙂 Good stuff! Thanks for putting it up!

  3. Hey Guys,

    Thanks for your comments. Before reading through Judges, I read through Joshua and we can see what God can do when a godly man is in leadership. They can overcome anything! After Joshua died, he was not replaced and everything started to break down. Perhaps, God did want them to rule themselves…makes me wonder how we do at ruling ourselves!?!?

    Jeremy Norton

  4. Wow, that's some scary stuff. And they weren't just any dudes off the street, they were God's chosen people! I don't think man is capable of ruling himself, because either there's a problem in what he does, or the taint is in his motives. The only way to actually do what's right is to let God do it for you, and allow him to user you as a carpenter might a hammer. The hammer didn't build the house, but the carpenter used him.
    Awesome stuff, Jere!

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