Books, Ministry


From His Book “In the Grip of Grace“.

Photo Credit: . SantiMB . via photopin cc

Are you aware that he turned his back on the castle? Are you aware that he never speaks of home?

This quote is from Max Lucado‘s story titled “The Parable of the River“, found in his book “In the Grip of Grace“.

It is a power tale that addresses the multiple of sins that can pull those in the church, away from the Father’s grace. All of which, drifts around principles found in Romans 2 and 3.

This story has really impacted me.

Throughout the past 4 years, I have come back to this story several times (as you can see below). My apologies if some of the content seems repetitive.

Lucado’s tale continues to impress me and I couldn’t help but to share it again and again, as I felt led to do so.

So here they are.

Check out the following posts on this fascinating tale, the evidence from Romans 2 and the connections within the local church.

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