Bible, Discipleship


Most Reasons Are Illegitimate.

Photo Credit: mamnaimie

But Jonah ran away from the Lord…he found a ship bound for that port.” (Jonah 1:3a)

The book of Jonah is not just some account used to entertain children in Sunday Schools.

This minor prophet holds an incredible amount of significance for our lives as Believers. So many times, we run away from a call that we have been specifically given by God.

Sure, in our minds we may deter the thought, playing it off as just simple mind wondering. However in our hearts, while in the quiet places with the Lord, we know what we’re supposed to do and why we’re supposed to do it.

Why do we choose to run?

Why do we choose to run from a call that God has put on our lives? Perhaps, it comes down to what a person struggles with internally.

If someone struggles with pride, they may think their plans are more important than God’s. If a person is generally lazy, maybe they just want to run from hard work. If they lack faith, they might run because they don’t truly believe that God will provide.

When it really comes down to it, there are likely a dozen reasons for run from God’s call. However, the account of Jonah teaches us that in the end, it’s never worth the risk to run.

Check out some recently updated posts regarding Jonah and God shows grace even through disobedience.

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

What other reasons do people have, that lead them to run from God’s call?


  1. i’m actually studying the book of Jonah in our ladies ministry at church – and what it tells us about God. (i keep thining back to your Jonah song in Summit..haha) it’s so much easier to follow God’s lead when we can read Jonah’s whole story – – i can see the difficult is it to have that confidence when we can’t see the outcome. but even some of the small things we put off are God’s calling. ‘write an encouragement note..or just encourage that person..pray for that person..invite that person over for coffee..offer to babysit that person’s kids so she can have a break..” so easy to push aside.

    1. Thanks for the comment Michelle. Absolutely, the small leadings to go beyond ourselves and perform small acts of service can have lasting effects on our brothers and sisters in Christ, and therefore the church as a whole.

      Busyness or playing it off as a thought (instead of a small call from God), lead us to neglect seeing those acts of service through. Instead we should be in tune with the Spirit and follow every call (great or small).

      Great insight and thanks for your support!

  2. Remember Jonahs problem was that if he preached the gospel gentiles would be saved- had a racist problem he know the power of God.

    1. Thanks for your comment Harley. However could you expand on it a little bit? Not sure I fully grasp what you were trying to say.

      Either way, thanks for reading and leaving your thoughts!

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