Bible, Discipleship


Are we all ready for the Lord’s return?

Photo Credit: jerusalem wallHDR via photopin
Photo Credit: jerusalem wallHDR via photopin

As we introduced on Sunday, this week we’re looking at Matthew 24, verses 36 through 44. That being said, let’s first set up some context.

Verse 1 tells us that “Jesus left the temple…” Last week, we unpacked Jesus’ stern warnings to the people regarding the Pharisees. Well in chapter 24, Jesus has left the building!

Then we read in verse 3, “As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately.” Let’s spend some time setting up Christ’s private discussion on the Mount of Olives.

Let’s look at Google Maps.

Click HERE for a Google directional map from the Temple Mount to the Mount of Olives, as well as the time it takes to walk from one mount to the other.

I’m assuming the path would have been a bit more direct in Jesus’s day. And even if it wasn’t, we can assume that not that much time has passed since Jesus left the Temple.

What about the audience?

Now that we’ve established the timeline, we should set up the audience. Verse 3 states that Jesus is having a private conversation with His disciples.

Unlike the very public conversation that he had in chapter 23, the following conversation has a far higher level of importance.

And let’s keep in mind, the men who would hear these words would end up establishing the church and writing many of the Epistles that would be the completion of our Biblical record. As we study this passage this week, let’s remember these are private words for Christ’s devoted disciples.

…no one knows…nor the Son…” (24:36)

If we jump down to verse 36, Jesus issues a segue statement that ties the first half of the chapter with the some serious words regarding the last days.

Jesus says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” (24:36)

Can this be true?

Up until this moment, Jesus has proved that He’s well in the know on what is going to take place. However, in God’s great plan, the End Times are a hidden aspect of the future, reserved for God the Father alone.

Now we could debate on how and/or why this could be, but we’ll come up empty-handed on an answer. This is one of the mysteries of God’s will that we will not fully comprehend.

For whatever reason, Christ cannot help us pinpoint the end; it is reserved for the Father alone.

So what’s next?

Following this statement, Jesus begins to describe to the disciples what the last days will be like. His descriptions include the following:

  • First, a reference from the past which points to being prepared.
  • Second, a reference from daily life in their day, which points to the here and now and being watchful.
  • And lastly, a reference of metaphor that points to the future and being ready.

As we continue on this week, we’ll explore these three descriptions and what they mean for us as Believers.

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There’s a lot of debate and controversy within Eschatology. What controversy have you heard regarding End Times theology?


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