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Should Social Media Have a Place In the Church?

Tweet Preaching!

Though the social media wave has been gaining speed and volume, many still oppose its use. Many believe this social phenomenon is just some bandwagon craze that will eventually die off. It hasn’t yet, and I highly doubt it will.

Many social media critics are found within our churches. Somehow, social connection through mediums outside of the phone, written letter and/or face-to-face contact, are considered to be shallow. Their position is that tech-based mediums of communication are not valuable in creating and maintaining authentic Christian relationships. Again, I think they’ve missed the mark.

What about God?

What about our relationship with God in reference to social media? The great pastor and theologian John Piper stated,

One of the great uses of Twitter and Facebook will be to prove at the Last Day that prayerlessness was not from lack of time.

Clearly, he didn’t fully understand what people were capable of within a social network.

What Dr. Piper neglected to understand is that there are thousands of people who are praying every minute of every day via their personal posts. Just this morning, I scrolled through my phone and found a couple of dozen prayers, which undoubtedly reached our Father’s heart, as well as spurred others on to join in.

We’ve all experienced someone publicly praying over a group of believers. We’ve all listened to varied requests lifted within a prayer meeting or other gathering. So too a prayer can be carried out over and throughout the social media masses.

I have a sneaking suspicion that God still hears that prayer.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • Why should social media have a place in the church?
  • How have you seen the benefits of social within the realm of spirituality?
  • How have you felt social media build and maintain relational connections?

2 thoughts on “Should Social Media Have a Place In the Church?

  1. Stephen page says:

    Agreed – I have had conversations through Facebook (yes, conversations, even though they are not face to face) that would’ve never happened otherwise – you can argue that for better or worse but the point is they happened. Deep conversations some of them. One ending with a teenager giving the control of their life over to Jesus – it is hard for me to believe that social media is indeed the “tool of satan” (which I’ve heard it refered to as more than once) when it is being used like this. Is it used for evil – sure is, but so it the printing press, the telephone, and all other forms of technology. The issue is not the medium but rather the hearts of those using it.

    1. Thanks so much for your comments Stephen! I have also heard the ‘tool of satan’ remark. It grieves me because I have also seen people’s live changed through social media. The MESSAGE is life-changing, not the MEDIUM!

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