Bible, Leadership, NT

The Struggle Between Personal Preference and Submission To Authority

Democrats and Evangelicals don’t often mix.

NOTE: As some of you know, I have American family and I lived in the United States for a time. Although this post may centre around American politics, I believe that the Biblical principles found in this post apply to all of us, who claim to be Christians.

In the United States, the majority of the Evangelical Church struggles with Democrat leadership. Whenever a Democrat president is elected, he’s not often favoured among the majority of Christian Conservatives. In fact, he can be downright hated.

To be clear, there is no room in Scripture for a Christian to hate anyone. We’re all lost and in need of grace, that only Jesus can provide. Christians are called to love. But it can be really difficult, can’t it?

For example, take a quick look at Democrat party beliefs and policies connected to abortion, sexuality, fiscal responsibility, and a wide variety of other items. Then compare them to Biblical principles, and suddenly, we’re provided with some strong evidence on why evangelicals might be concerned.

A problem arises when our concern moves from anger over these policies and practices, to vicious (and clearly hate-filled) speech. I get it; sometimes the anger has an element of righteousness to it. Most often when Christians are burdened with grief and filled with a desire to fight for unborn children, and against abortion policies. Somehow, even when anger may be for righteous reasons, we have to practice self-control.

If it were only that simple though!

Whether evangelicals like it or not, whether we’re Republican or Democrat, Liberal or Conservative, or any other party, we’re called to follow Scripture. And Peter gives us some clear instruction to follow when it comes to government. All of which is really challenging when our favoured party loses an election.

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.” (1 Pet. 2:13-14)

When leaders like George Bush or Donald Trump were elected President, Christian Conservatives were the first to shout passages like 1 Peter 2 from their roof-tops to any and all Christian Democrats. How quickly our tunes can change when things don’t go our way? (Like when Obama or Biden was elected?)

Is it Biblical principle or personal preference?

I actually believe this Scripture is very hard to put into practice and maintain. It calls us to constantly check ourselves; check our motives and our heart condition. We need to ask ourselves,

Am I angry over differing opinions or true, legitimate decisions that go against what is outlined in Scripture?

Does this anger stem from my preferences or core beliefs of my Christian faith?

How do we know when our motives are pure? Prayer is crucial! It is far more beneficial to get alone with our heavenly Father and pray for every elected official, begging for God’s intervention on major areas of concern.

Submission is so difficult!

Please understand that this post is stemming from my own struggles with submission. I’m a fairly political guy, and some government decisions make my blood boil! Nevertheless, if the people have spoken and God is still sovereign, we must walk in this current moment. Whether we like it or not.

We must embrace Christ-like attitudes and behaviours in the best ways possible. Then submit as best we can, whenever we can.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • What country do you live in and which political party do you typically lean toward?
  • When your preferred party is not in power, how do you reconcile with government decisions?
  • How do you navigate your disagreement or potential anger?

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