Tag: colossians



When a business, church, or organization sets out to write a new mission or vision, too often it becomes a never-ending journey “and then…” They collaborate and word-smith a bit more, adding in connecting verbiage. Soon they have such a lengthy mission or vision statement, that it would seem they have written a governing policy for the organization. These statements become far from memorable.

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Leadership, Music

How To Increase Impact By Matching Music with the Message

There’s a deeper calling. Our music leaders are being led by the Spirit. They aren’t simply picking song that fit. They’re being led to bring songs that will carry the mind of the congregation toward the Biblical principle of that particular gathering.

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Bible, Church, Discipleship

How Checklist Spirituality Slips Into the Church

Human beings have been tempted to keep a spiritual checklist for centuries; striving to do enough good or avoid enough bad to be accepted by God. It’s an unhealthy temptation of our sinful nature that slips into the church. It surfaces when someone is trying to be a “good Christian” by adhering to certain rules and standards.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

Why “I Can Do What I Want When I Want” Doesn’t Work

As Believers, we can get caught up in what we ought to do, or ought not to do. We try to justify our feelings about actions we should be or shouldn’t be taking. All of this is in order to achieve a type of holiness through self-imposed regulations.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

Are We Striving to Present Everyone Complete In Christ?

We need to take a deep, hard look inside ourselves and get to some honesty. If we have no desire to strive whatsoever, if we feel no compulsion to proclaim Christ, teach or admonish each other in any way, we have got some serious work to do in our hearts.

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Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

Reviewing Paul’s Purpose; Why He Laboured and Strived for the Gospel

In Colossians 1:28, Paul lays out his purpose. According to him, it’s the reason he labours, strives, and works so hard in ministry. He desperately wants every Believer in Christ to be presented complete, in their faith and mission. He wants every Christian to be fully equipped disciples for Jesus.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT, Outreach

Why I Need to Close My Mouth and Bow My Head

Colossians 1:9 When I read these words, “we have not ceased to pray for you”, I can’t help but think of S. And the testimony of Prayer Warriors like S. They motivate me to strive for where I’m lacking. They remind me to close my mouth and bow my head.

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Bible, Discipleship, NT

How To Recognize Faith, Hope, and Love

Pursuing faith, hope, and love shouldn’t stem from good intentions or a desire to be kind to people because it’s the right thing to do. It should be an outpouring of the Gospel transformation in our hearts, and the renewed mind that can only come from genuinely experiencing a spiritual rebirth. That kind of faith, hope, and love does not depend on life circumstances or temporal emotional responses; it is rooted in the person and power of Jesus Christ.

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Bible, Church, Discipleship, NT

Is Church Growth Centred On Evangelism, Discipleship, or Something Else?

Paul calls us to “present everyone complete in Christ.” (Col. 1:28) To the Colossian Church, “complete” was a term that was commonly used for loading a ship with all the necessary cargo and being prepared. Therefore, completeness is being ready for the long voyage, and ready for whatever trials or toils may come.

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