Bible, Discipleship


Afraid, Yet Filled with Joy

The Fear and Joy of Meeting Jesus
Photo Credit: Second Coming Jesus 07 via photopin (license)

This week, Matthew 28:8 has been my focus.

Today, I’d like to share my post-verse 8 thoughts: The Fear and Joy of Meeting Jesus

In case you missed my previous posts, I begin the week with a post focused on verse 8 titled, “Celebrating Easter with a Single Verse from Matthew“.

Then I moved on to a pre-verse 8 post, “The Angel at the Empty Tomb was Not Cute“.

Post-Verse 8: “Suddenly Jesus met them…” (28:9)

Only through God’s protection have these ladies made it through this experience without having a coronary.

They’re skipping down the road filled with a strange mix of excitement and amazement, fear and doubt. Maybe they’re talking with each other, reliving the experience?

One Mary’s asking, “Do you think it’s really true? Could Jesus really be alive?

The other Mary replying sarcastically, “You’re right. The glowing angel that just flew down and took out two guards was probably mistaken!

Good point Mary. It was awesome when he took out those two guards, wasn’t?

Then all of a sudden, Jesus appears!

Boom; heart attack number two. The terror and fear just hit a whole new level ladies. But don’t worry, Jesus knows how to soften the blow a bit better than the angels. Before He says “don’t be afraid” He says, “Greetings!” (28:9-10)

The fear and joy of meeting Jesus: When the women realize who it was that was standing before them, they were in ultimate elation!

This wasn’t some beaming angel that defied reality. This was their Teacher, their Mentor, their Messiah.

They fall face down.

The women clasped His feet and begin worshipping Him. We don’t know what they said, but they were in complete submissive worship at His feet.

For a moment, think about the past half hour in these ladies’ life. Tears were likely steaming down their faces, sobbing as they poured out every emotion from their terror to their now, extreme joy.

Jesus sends them on their way.

Jesus wastes no time trying to compose them and get them focused on their task. “Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” (28:10)

The women go on their way, likely still feeling that emotional state of “…afraid, yet filled with joy…” (28:8)

Our Salvation

For a moment, think back to the point of your salvation. Think back to when you first accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Think back to when you first placed your entire faith and trust in Him; making Him Lord of your life.

Wasn’t that a moment of terror and excitement? Was it not a mix of fear and happiness? Were you not afraid, yet filled with joy?

These 2 women help us.

Focusing on the emotional state of the 2 Mary’s can remind us of that first moment of conversion. In a sense, we can relive that fear and joy; as we read that 8th verse in Matthew 28, “…afraid, yet filled with joy…

A Psalm to Close

As we bring this post series to a close, I’d like to read one verse from Psalm chapter 2, verse 11 which encapsulates much of the emotion that these two women felt and that we should perhaps, we should feel every Easter:

Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.” “Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.

That’s Easter! May we celebrate in complete reverence, our risen Lord.

The Fear and Joy of Meeting Jesus

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When you first accepted Christ, were there any feelings of fear and joy? Explain that moment and those emotions.

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