Books, Movies

Who’s Your Favourite Narnia Character?

What’s your favourite Narnia story (or movie)?

I thoroughly enjoyed The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It’s an incredible story and for me, the film made it even better.

I remember the first time we saw it. Our son, who was three at the time, was quoting the film. He had a specific obsession with the character of Reepicheep. Following close behind in popularity would be Eustace, because “He’s funny and he turned into a dragon.

The Audiobook

Earlier that year, during a road trip from California to Alaska, we listened to the dramatized audiobook and loved it! It was so fun to put faces to the voices of the story’s characters.

We both had imagined Eustace a little chubbier than the film represented him. And yet, his face did seem to connect well with what we had envisioned him to look like. Everyone else seemed spot-on. That being said, having seen most characters in previous films, it’s likely an unfair assessment.

If you’ve never seen the film, check out the official trailer below and put it on your watchlist.

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  • Who’s your favourite Narnian?
  • Why do you enjoy that character?
  • Who’s your least favourite and why?

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