Bible, Discipleship


When life feels more like work than experience.

We carry around so many roles, wearing so many hats. Each position in life has a new set of responsibilities, each with its own pressures.

Of course, rarely do these roles dove-tail nicely. There always seems to be over-lap, where someone or something needs your attention at the same moment you need to be attending something else. Decisions need to be made on what’s most important, yet often they’re almost equal.

Now, add sin and temptation into the mix.

These items are definitely not productive, nor should they be a regular part of our daily roles and responsibilities. Nevertheless, they add significant pressure to an already hectic life. Temptation pulls us away from what we should be concentrating on, which if we can overcome it; feels somewhat beneficial and productive.

Being unable to resist temptation and in turn, falling into sin steals everything!

Usually a good portion of our day has been stolen. Furthermore, our joy and desire to move forward usually takes a painful blow. As if our roles and responsibilities were not stressful enough, sin is guaranteed to pull us the rest of the way down. We feel ashamed, useless and powerless.

It’s like a yoke that is too heavy to bear.

Our typical yoke is the labour of life. As we’ve been discussing, all the hats we wear as we move from one area of life to another. This is our regular load that is heavy at times, but we can at least keep moving forward.

However, as we have also discussed, sin and temptation will make our yoke almost unbearable to carry. The load of life’s experiences that we are responsible for become overwhelming when sin enters the picture.

Therefore, we stand motionless, our head hung in complete weariness as our yoke sits high on our shoulders.

Thankfully, we serve a God who loves us.

Jesus said,

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:29-30)

It’s impossible to ignore our yoke, especially when it’s weight has been compounded by our sin. Christ has the power to remove that yoke and get us moving again.

Again, we have a God who loves us. We are His children. No Father would ever neglect to lighten his child’s burden if asked.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts:

Has life’s roles and responsibilities become a burden? Do you feel like you carry a yoke that is often too heavy? Has sin increased the pressure of that yoke, leaving you motionless?

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