Leadership, Ministry

Why I Wrote a Personal Mission Statement

Posted July 5, 2012.

Confession: I’m a podcast junkie. And I recently got addicted to a podcast by Dave Ramsey‘s EntreLeadership team.

After listening to their episode regarding mission statements, I have been encouraged and empowered to add a personal mission statement to my life and ministry platform. Obviously, this may change and become more focused as time moves on, but for now, here it is.

Serving Christ by cultivating biblical leadership through writing, teaching and communications.

This central statement will now be associated with my ministry work and general life experiences. Check out my updated “About” page for more details.

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2 thoughts on “Why I Wrote a Personal Mission Statement

  1. Hey Jer, good thoughts and intentionality with life and leadership. Have you ever checked out Catalyst Conference? For you leader training, it’s excellent. I was just at Catalyst West in Irvine CA in April. Excellent content and certainly an environment to soak in leadership insight and good habits.

    Thought of that conference when I read your post.

    Chat later,

  2. Hey Matt, thanks for the encouragement! I actually subscribe to the Catalyst podcasts and LOVE every episode! I would love to attend a conference or a conference each year for that matter. Do they have anything Canadian? West coast? Maybe we could go together!?!?

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