Bible, Discipleship


Opportunity For Families, Opportunity For The Church.

Why Widows Should Be Served
Photo Credit: esperaré via photopin

In 1 Timothy 5, God leads Paul to write the following to his pastoral apprentice Timothy:

7 Give the people these instructions, so that no one may be open to blame. 8 Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Paul makes it perfectly clear that each family should serve and care for their widowed family. And Paul gives some very strong language here, stating that if families do not take care of their elderly relatives, they’re worse than an unbeliever! In other words…

They’re lost!

But as we discussed earlier this week, this is a foreign concept in our culture. Very few children and grandchildren are planning to care for their eventually widowed parents and grandparents.

Instead, we count on them saving and investing or worse, we count on the government to take care of them. Clearly, this wasn’t the plan God had in mind.

So culture has given the church, yet another opportunity to serve.

The Church Steps In

First and foremost (1), we should be serving and caring for the widowed without family. Clearly from Scripture, they should take priority.

Second (2), we should boldly encourage Christian families to serve and care for their widowed parents and grandparents. If they’re in debt, give them the resources (and perhaps rebuke) to get out of debt.

And lastly (3), the church has an opportunity to serve and care for the widowed whose families have let them down. The widowed whose families have the time, energy and resources to serve, but who have chosen not to.

A Widow’s Time To Be Served

Scripture is clear on our role as a church, but what about the role of the widowed? Focus on Christ is essential, but that should be an essential for all of us.

Let’s not forget that our goal is to explore the season of being widowed.

If you are widowed (or for all of us who will be one day), this is a time to be served. Scripture places no extra requirements on the widowed. They should focus on their relationship with Jesus and let their family and the church serve them.

Sometimes that may be hard; especially for those who have spent their lives serving others. Try to disregard the inner-voices that say, “They’re too busy.” or “They have their own difficulties in life.” or worse, “They don’t want to help me; they don’t want to be around me.

We do want to help you! We do want to be around you! Let us comfort you. Let us serve you. You can depend on us. Call and we’ll be there!

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

After reading Paul’s instruction on the widowed in 1 Timothy 5, what does our 2016 Western church need to embrace?

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