Discipleship, Leadership


Let’s talk about change.

For most people, life is good when each day rolls along according to schedule. Every once in a while, we get gifts like waking up 10 minutes before the alarm, finishing a project before its deadline, or attending a meeting that ends early.

On the other end of the spectrum, we also run into the challenges of change.

Ecclesiastes 3 states that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:“ (3:1)

Following this statement, the author gives a plethora of examples of how life can bring seasons of change in and out of our lives.

But we shouldn’t be anxious (Phil. 4:6).

Instead, we should embrace life’s change as an opportunity to grow. When it comes right down to it, this is a mark of the Christian. This is what sets us apart; the ability to stay focused and motivated throughout seasons of change. Don’t get me wrong, seasons like mourning will overcome the strongest Christian and so it should.

Nevertheless, we will overcome and we will grow, even though the gravest season of change. May I encourage you to take a look at this short read, through the first 8 verses of Ecclesiastes 3? Prayerfully focus on each season of life mentioned.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • Where are you currently?
  • Is life moving along flawlessly or are you in a season of change?
  • Is there a season of change on the horizon?
  • How will you act, think, speak and motivate others during this season? How will you embrace life’s changes?

Your thoughts are valuable! Why not leave a few?