Discipleship, Leadership


Prayer is essential to small group growth!

We should never neglect the inviting of the Lord’s presence into our groups, through prayer.

The sharing of requests and offering of prayer is not only beneficial, but expected by most people attending a small group. Prayer should always be given when requests are shared.

Prayer can take place in a number of ways.

There’s no miraculous formula to prayer. However, some options include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Taking one request at a time, then offering a prayer immediately by volunteer.
  2. Taking all requests, then offering group prayer as individuals are led.
  3. Taking all requests, then the leader of the group offers all requests on the groups behalf.

The key is that we’re praying.

Prayer for families, health, work, other ministries and the list goes on. Never underestimate what someone may find important enough to bring to the Lord. Be sensitive to that reality.

As small group leaders, we must seek out the importance of the prayer item for that individual, regardless of our personal opinion on the item.

Small Group prayer can take a wrong turn.

Before seeking requests, there are a few questions to ask ourselves as leaders.

  1. How will we deal with gossip that is presented as a prayer request?
  2. How will we deal with someone who uses prayer requests to bring the focus entirely on themselves?
  3. How do we as leaders redirect prayer requests that are on the verge of becoming inappropriate (T.M.I.)?

Unfortunately, life is messy.

The messiness of life tends to present itself in times of prayer. In small group prayer, we choose to deal with tough situations, even if it makes us uncomfortable. We must work through these situations with tact and grace.

 Sometimes, one individual may need the support of the whole group. This tends to rotate, as each group member goes through seasons of turmoil and peace.

Prayer is essential.

Regardless of the pattern or plan to which prayer takes place, it must be a priority each and every time we meet.

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

How has prayer impacted your small group in the past? How will you make it a priority in 2015?

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