Bible, Discipleship, Gospels, Leadership, NT, OT

4 Steps to Embracing Change

A Biblical Perspective on Adaptation and Growth

In life’s journey, one of the most crucial lessons is realizing that “You don’t know, what you don’t know.” This truth becomes apparent as we encounter unexpected challenges and need to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

Starting something new can be challenging, but changing course in the middle of the journey can be a great obstacle to overcome.

Adaptation in Spiritual Growth

Our ability to adapt plays a pivotal role in our spiritual growth. Being able to make a shift and trusting God for the end result, is a powerful quality. It requires a significant amount of faith that the change is part of God’s unfolding plan.

In a world of constant change, resilience and awareness of shifts are crucial for seeking God’s next plan and achieving Gospel-centered outcomes. Without adaptation, there are risks to spiritual growth and Gospel impact.

Consider the following 4 steps that can lead you to being more open to change, and the ability to adapt when the Spirit leads.

1. The Biblical Shift

Consider this Biblical example of adaptation – the shift that started with dietary regulations, but became a transition point for Gentile believers. From Moses in Leviticus to Jesus challenging traditions in the Gospel of Mark, to Peter’s realization in Acts, and finally, James’ judgement in soon to follow, we witness a transformative journey in understanding God’s plan.

  • Moses: Leviticus 11 outlines strict laws distinguishing between clean and unclean animals, emphasizing purity and obedience.
  • Jesus: In Mark 7, Jesus challenges traditional dietary laws, declaring all foods clean, and emphasizing inner transformation over external rituals.
  • Peter: In Acts 11, Peter learns that God’s plan includes Gentiles, breaking down traditional barriers and expanding the Gospel reach.
  • James: Acts 15 records James’ judgement, affirming salvation for Gentiles without imposing long lists of Jewish law, becoming a significant shift in understanding.

2. The Call to Embrace Change

Reflecting on this scriptural journey, we find an example of spiritual adaptation inspired by the Holy Spirit. Peter and James embraced a shift in understanding laws and traditions to welcome an expanding body of believers.

This biblical walk-through illustrates the importance of being open to God’s leading, even when it challenges long-held beliefs. God is the same yesterday, today and forever; and yet, clearly how He interacted with the world shifted, revealed through His Holy Spirit.

3. The Challenge to Adapt

The Early Church’s struggles were far more significant, involving letting go of Old Testament Laws that had been required for millennia. This wasn’t discussion about music style or dress code. Despite these challenges, the Holy Spirit has consistently raised leaders and innovations to advance the Gospel.

The modern Western church is still resistant to change. When a problem or challenge arrises, we often default to old techniques and strategies. We have a long history of declaring every innovation or unconventional idea as unexceptable, or even demonic.

Even though the method or ministry philosphy can’t by it’s very nature possibly be a sinful activity, the Church is quick to dismiss it’s value. Instead, we should ask whether or not the innovation could be used to glorify God or spread the Gospel. If so, give it a chance.

Are You Willing to Adapt for Jesus?

What are you willing to adapt or change for Jesus? Your willingness to shift becomes crucial to experiencing an elevated level of spiritual growth. When the Spirit calls for change, do you embrace it?

By embracing change, innovation, and being open to new ideas, you can align yourself with God’s emerging plan to reach this next generation, to transform your faith, and foster growth in the local church.

4. The Commitment to Flexibility

If the Holy Spirit is leading toward change, consider the growth that may follow. Identify areas of resistance and commit to flexibility. Failure to adapt can lead to stagnation and a potential misalignment with God’s mission.

As you navigate this coming season, commit to being someone who embraces change, who trusts in the Holy Spirit’s leading and chooses adaptation for spiritual growth.

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