Bible, Discipleship


Connecting Shepherds with Good News of Great Joy!

It’s day 3 of our exploration of how shepherds are connected with good news of great joy.

Some writers and theologians have tried to liken shepherds to factory workers, garbage removal workers, housekeepers. However, once we fully consider the massive religious, legal and social weight that shepherds carried; our modern culture doesn’t truly have an exact match to the their trade.

Shepherds were a very unlikely group!

The Pharisees and religious elite would have assumed their involvement in the Messiah’s story and therefore, would not have experienced one-tenth of the joy that the shepherds experienced on that incredible night.

The inclusion of shepherds, found in Luke 2, shows us that political power, social status, wealth or intelligence; does not hold great weight with God. He is obviously not impressed with people who think they have all the answers or have high rank by the world’s standards.

The choice of shepherds gives us an amazing view into God’s heart and plan for humanity. By choosing to involve shepherds as key members of the nativity account, we see the level of love that God has for those in humble positions.

His character is to choose outcasts and underdogs.

For us as broken, imperfect souls trying to making our way through this world; God’s choice of shepherds should be received as very good news of great joy!

To find out more, feel free to check out Part 1 and Part 2.

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What does it mean to you, when you consider the shepherds invitation to be at the Messiah’s birth?


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