Northern Roads by Jeremy Norton
Bible, Ministry


The Keys found in Matthew 16.

This has been our Scriptural focus throughout this week. The following is a list of study questions for personal or small group study, based on this week’s posts.

Click HERE to read Matthew 16:13-23. Scroll to the bottom of this post, to read the associated posts.

10 Study Questions

1. What types of keys are on your keyring or keychain? Which key is the most valuable and why?

2. What do your keys say to others about your kingdom?

3. Peter’s belief in the Messiah was revealed by our Heavenly Father. When did God first reveal Himself to you? (16:16)

4. Try to imagine being Peter. What would you be thinking when Jesus said, “you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church”? (16:18)

5. When you hear the term “keys to the kingdom of heaven,” what thoughts or images come to mind? (16:19)

6. What would you think or say, if Jesus said to you, “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven”? (16:19)

7. In your opinion, what motivated Peter to pull Jesus aside and rebuke Him? (16:22)

8. In your life, when do you most often get caught up in “human concerns” instead of “the concerns of God”? (16:23)

9. Peter seemed to be prone to impulsive words and behaviours. What can we learn from his life and ministry?

10. Close by reading Proverbs 3:56 and 16:32. How could these Proverbs have helped Peter? How can they help us this week?

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What has God taught you through Peter’s interaction with Christ in Matthew 16?

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