Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

How Do People Change After Receiving the Gospel?

Five outcomes of a transformed heart.

In chapter 12 of Paul’s letter to the Roman Church, there are some unique outcomes that he lays out, on how an individual responds once they have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ. These responses or perhaps, better clarified as behavioural outcomes, are spurred on by the Holy Spirit and then lived out by the individual.

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

Romans 12:1-2 (ESV)

As I’ve journeyed with Jesus, I’ve felt the Spirit’s conviction and experienced an ongoing shift in my desires. Although my sanctification has been in-process (and still is), I want to heed Paul’s appeal. I truly want to live for Christ and not conform to this world, and the Holy Spirit is helping me get there.

Over the course of my ministry career, I’ve witnessed the Spirit’s work in others as well. I have seen countless lives changed by the impact of accepting Jesus. And as I reflect on my ongoing transformation and the transformation of others, I’ve consistently witnessed five outcomes that emerge within hearts touched by the Gospel.

1. Conviction of Sin: A call to avoid destructive behaviours and lifestyles.

When one encounters the Gospel, a deep conviction of sin takes root within their being. It is a powerful call to let go of destructive behaviours and lifestyles, that hinder our relationship with Christ. As we embrace the transformative message of Christ’s grace and truth, we are deeply convicted to live in a manner that reflects His righteousness and holiness.

2. Realization of Need: A call to show authentic love, charity, and forgiveness.

Accepting the Gospel leads to a unique realization of our need for God’s grace and love. In response to this realization, our hearts are transformed in such a way, that we’re prompted to show authentic love, charity, and forgiveness towards others. The Gospel empowers us to extend compassion and grace, taking on the transformative love we have received through Jesus.

3. Recognition of Materialism: A call to let go of earthly goods and pleasures.

The Gospel challenges us to recognize the dangers of materialism, and the heartache associated with pursuing earthly possessions and pleasures. As our hearts are transformed, we are called to let go of that craving to accumulate material wealth, and instead, seek contentment in Christ alone. The Gospel shifts our focus from worldly treasures to eternal treasures.

4. Purpose for Life: A call to serve God and serve others through spiritual gifts.

The Gospel not only brings personal transformation but it can also reveal our divine purpose. Through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we’re equipped with spiritual gifts to serve God and serve others. Jesus helps us discover a more meaningful purpose as we use these spiritually empowered abilities to bring glory to God and positively impact the lives of those around us.

5. Vision of Eternity: A call to share the Gospel so others might experience redemption.

Accepting the Gospel grants us a vision of eternity and a deep understanding of an eternity separated from God. This realization compels us to share the Good News with others, so they too might experience redemption and eternal life. The Spirit causes our hearts to overflow with compassion for lost souls, driving us to see them saved from an eternity of darkness.

Cling to the transformative power of the Gospel.

As we cling to the Gospel as a constant in our lives, we have an ongoing thankfulness for our personal salvation, but we’re also convicted of our personal responsibility to share the Good News with others. If we desire to see our culture and society transformed, we must actively engage in sharing the Gospel.

Remember the culture to which Paul was writing in his Roman letter. It was a sin-sick culture, much like our own modern Western context. And yet, the Gospel spread and lives were transformed! With that in mind, may we never become complacent in the face of societal decline. Instead, let us rise up and fulfill our calling to be ambassadors for Christ, bearing the message of salvation to a world that is in desperate need of eternal hope.

It just takes one invitation.

A personal invitation, throughout church history, has proven to be the most effective starting point for someone to encounter the Gospel and accept the invitation to follow Jesus. This can be as simple as extending an invitation to a church gathering, which in turn, could be the catalyst for someone experiencing the life-changing presence of Jesus Christ.

May we carry the truth of the Gospel in our hearts as we boldly and compassionately share it with neighbours, friends and coworkers. May we lean into the power of Christ and let the Holy Spirit use us to see lives transformed, societies changed, and souls redeemed.

Join the Conversation, Share Your Thoughts

  • How has the Gospel impacted your behaviour and choices in life?
  • Now that you’ve found Jesus, in what ways does He convict you toward authentic love, charity, and forgiveness?
  • After receiving the Gospel, how have you recognized the dangers of materialism and pursued contentment in Christ alone?

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