Discipleship, Leadership


What’s your story? What is the story of your life?

Each of us has a story, and our stories are made up of choices. Some choices, we’re proud of, and others we keep hidden away. What’s fascinating is how a small, seemingly insignificant choice can have a massive impact on our story! Little decisions can start whole new chapters of our life’s story.

Too often, in the New Year, we make plans and resolutions to start new things; working out, eating a healthy diet, starting a new hobby, etc. But there’s a problem with so many of these decisions.

The vision for these choices is often too short and too narrowly focused.

  1. They’re often centred on a single year. (Although truly only lasting months, if not weeks.)
  2. They’re often centred on self. (Often with lofting explanations convincing ourselves it’s for someone else…but it’s not.)

Should we give up making resolutions? Should we give up making plans and new life choices?

No, definitely not!

In fact, today, we can decide to start something new. We can decide to focus on living a life of legacy; centred on living a story we want to tell.

To unpack this, let’s look at a verse from Paul’s letter to the Philippian Church:

“Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel,”
Philippians 1:27

A Life Worthy of the Gospel of Christ

What does a life “worthy of the gospel of Christ” look like? Paul states that we must be in a state of “…standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel”.

This teaching is extremely important in our current moment!

  1. First, it’s counter-cultural, pushing against individualism.
  2. Second, it speaks to our need for community and unity, which is crucial during our current crisis.

Getting back to our New Year’s resolutions; for a moment, let’s consider these principles within the plans we’re making, and the new things we’re starting.

Does God’s Spirit, and the Good News of Jesus really matter? Do I need to think of my faith within the topics of diet, exercise, hobbies, new job, etc.?

Absolutely! Otherwise, we can be tempted by false Gospels, that do not lead to legacy life!

The Culture Vs. Gospel Problem

Our culture calls out to us, to value “me time” and “self-care” which gradually creates in us our own saviour. We can never achieve. We can’t be the centre of our story because we were never created to be the centre. We will always fail in the end, and let ourselves down.

What’s even more sinister is that Christian-Culture gets twisted up in this mindset as well. I say twisted because we twist the verbiage to be about serving others, but it’s almost always false humility. We’re often still the centre of the story!

We’re still planning and doing with us as the main character.

Don’t believe me?

Ask a Christian to place themselves in the David & Goliath account in Scripture. Ask them to use it as a metaphor for overcoming this coming year.

Almost always, they put themselves in David’s place, overcoming the giant Goliath. And that’s a false Gospel outlook because we’re taking the place of Jesus in our own story!

In reality, we’re on the hill, looking down at the battlefield in fear! Only after Jesus has overcome and defeated our giants, can we run down to victory BEHIND HIM!

Here comes the push-back!

“What are you saying, Jeremy? Never care for ourselves? Never set goals for the New Year?”

I’m not saying that at all! I think God is constantly calling us to begin new things, start new things in us! I just think we need to listen carefully to Paul’s call to the Philippians. Are we living a life (telling a story) worthy of the Gospel of Christ?

Jesus before everything!

Paul calls us to place Jesus in front of every plan and resolution, and every chapter of our life’s story.

What does that look like? Simply put: Jesus first, others second, ourselves last! In detail, we can get honest with ourselves and reflect on a few questions:

  • Are my plans and resolutions worthy of the Gospel?
  • Who have they centred around?
  • Who’s at the centre of my story?

If I’m planning on working out and dieting this year, I need to get honest. Are these plans centred around my self-image? How others look at me, or how I perceive the look at me? Or is truly rooted in the Gospel, that my body belongs to Jesus? That I’m caring for my body, for Him, as worship to Him? As a witness for Him?

“Is my motive true or am I convincing myself when it’s really about me?”

If I’m planning on starting new hobbies, recreational activities, or maybe even a new job; is it centred around my self-worth? What’s the value of this addition or change to my life? How will it impact my relationship with God, my family, my friends, or even my church? What’s the cost of time and energy?

God has designed many pleasurable things for us to enjoy, including work! However, He has only given us so much time. If we add more to an already busy life, what’s the end goal? Before I decide to add something, what will I stop doing to make space for it? Who is impacted by this decision?

And again, I have to check my motive. Is this addition or change to my life about self-centred “feeling” or Gospel-centred “thinking”?

Digging your heels in yet?

I get it; I’ve been there! There’s a deep, visceral reaction when we’re being convicted of something isn’t there? When we know something’s true, but we want to push back…we’ve all been there!

That’s when it’s time to pause and pray. We need to get honest and let God’s Holy Spirit reveal the truth to us. No matter how much it may hurt or offend us. Truth is sometimes painful, but it’s helpful. As we get honest, we ask ourselves,

  • Do I feel entitled?
  • Do I feel like I deserve this?
  • Do I tell myself that I owe this to myself?
  • Who’s in the centre; is it me or Jesus?

Then we start living a life of legacy!

This is when it happens. When we’re full undone, broken, and stripped of self; something truly amazing takes place. We can truly START living a life of legacy, centred around Jesus; a life worthy of the Gospel. We can start living a story worth telling!

It’s not about refusing to make plans and resolutions. It’s not about refusing to make decisions for the future. It’s about authentically and honestly placing Jesus first.

Why is this the best decision you’ll ever make? Consider what Paul wrote earlier in Philippians, at the beginning of chapter 1:

“And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”
Philippians 1:6

When Jesus is the Saviour, the Hero, the King, and the Centre of the Story; then we can be confident that He will finish the story. And it’ll be a great story!

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

What kind of plans or resolutions have you made for the new year? Who or what are they centred?

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