Books, Ministry


How to find rest, so that we can experience the rest?

Mark Buchanan’s book, “The Rest of God” is a playful title with deep meaning and challenging content. As busy Believers in Jesus, how can we re-claim the concepts and practices of Sabbath rest (and in contrast, work as worship), so that we can truly receive the rest of what God has for us?

For me, in an attempt to embrace the rest of God, I’m going to have to start asking myself some difficult questions, in 5 key areas.

1. 24 Hours of Sabbath Rest

  • Describe the last time you took a full 24 hours of Sabbath rest that wasn’t included in a vacation or holiday?
  • What did the next day feel like?

2. Gold That Doesn’t Exist

Buchanan told a story about his mother-in-law polishing down a large rock thinking it was gold, just to find out her gold wedding ring was disintegrating in her efforts.

  • How are we search for gold that doesn’t exist?
  • What golden opportunities do you currently possess, that you’re losing in search of greater ones?

3. Work or Rest?

  • Why do you think working during days of rest is so tempting?
  • What is it inside of us that pushes us to fill our time with assigned tasks instead of enjoying unplanned experiences?

4. Working Worship

  • How do you currently worship at work?
  • What should work feel like most of the time?
  • What areas of your career could be transformed into worship?

5. Sabbath Planning

  • Currently, what is keeping you from planning a weekly sabbath?
  • What steps do you need to take this week, to prepare for a day of rest?

If you haven’t done so, I highly suggest getting a copy of “The Rest of God”, read it, and put into practice some of the strong Biblical truths found within its pages. (Just ignore the comments about using “palm pilots”.)

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