Leadership, Ministry, Outreach

Unpacking Evangelism and the Enneagram

An Enthusiastic Challenger Struggling to Slow Down

Not sure if you’re familiar with the Enneagram, but I am an 8 (the Challenger), with a wing-7 (the Enthusiast). My internal nature is to always be working on or running to the next big thing. My mind is constantly focused on a challenge to overcome, or an experience to be had.

Sure, I can get a lot accomplished and I have a lot of unique adventures, but there is a shadow side to every Enneagram number.

Regrettably, my nature is slow to empathize.

This has been a significant struggle for many years, thankfully with some gains as I’ve journeyed through the struggle. Moreover, it has helped me get ahead of the problem, or even use my Challenger instincts and plan for it. Especially, in a ministry context!

I have witnessed in my own life and the lives of others that empathy is an important component of sharing one’s faith. As I find myself entrenched in the next project or sprinting to the next experience, I have the propensity to miss people.

I don’t like it and pray against it, but this is a problem for those of us who carry an Enneagram 7 or 8. If we’re not aware of this propensity, it can impact our personal evangelism; often without us even being aware. We can miss dozens of opportunities to share the Gospel because we simply never slow down!

Paul’s confession to the Roman church comes to mind.

“For I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate.”

Romans 7:15

We should strive to be more like Jesus.

We should strive to spontaneously take a break from our busy lives, to stop and share the Gospel with a stranger, as He did with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. We should take an opportunity to stay up late discussing religion and apologetics with another leader, as Jesus did with Nicodemus in John 3.

It’s true; we might not be as prepared for that “important” meeting, project, experience or adventure. And yet, from an eternal perspective, I am under a strong conviction that it will be worth it.

Are we leading people to Jesus?

Hopefully, yes, and we should cherish those experiences! Each of those encounters will cause us to pause in thanksgiving and Lord willing, some self-awareness of our time and our natural propensities.

That being said, we can’t ever minimize God’s design for our lives. He is faithful to use each one of us within His design for us. Our nature, even the failings of our nature can be a blessing to help us depend more on Him, and each other, as we strive together for HIs Gospel aims. We are privileged to be used in any capacity for His Kingdom purposes.

I’m not sure where I first heard the phrase, but it’s fitting to end this post.

“God has designed us to be human beings, not human doings.”


This phrase should be life-anthem for all of us, but should be amplified for us Enneagram 7’s and 8’s! As Challengers and Enthusiasts moving forward through life’s journey, may we find ourselves in a place of both-and; be able to run to whatever project or adventure He’s given us, yet able to pause and be in the evangelistic moment He has interrupted us with.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts

  • What’s your Enneagram number and/or title?
  • What are the benefits and/or struggles of your Enneagram?
  • How does your Enneagram type impact your ability to share the Gospel?

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