Bible, Discipleship


When Anxiety Overcomes Us.

Stress can be a debilitating feeling. It can cripple our ability to perform daily functions or make the simplest of decisions. As stress mounts, anxiety overcomes us. Worry crashes up against our minds like waves in an ocean.

Eventually, leaving us in a state of panic. For some, even a state of fear. This is not how we were meant to live.

In recent weeks, I have felt pressure mounting. The stress trap had been set for me. It was a culmination of a few things.

Here’s what happened:

First, Easter was approaching, which meant I needed to get ready for our community outreach project. Lots of details.

Second, Summer Camp registrations seemed to be rolling in on a daily basis. I have already learned that these registrations need to be processed as they come in or they alone becomes a mountain of stress!

The final wave of anxiety hit me in regards to our summer staff.

I received an email notice from the government on the summer job grants that we had applied for. Our camp had applied for 15 different positions, to help raise the bar on our service to our campers and alleviate some of my work load.

We were only approved for 2.

I had counted on at least half of our request number; 6 or 7 positions at least. That wave pounded me, as I saw most of my summer plans wash away. Though I was in no physical danger whatsoever, that feeling of fear and anxiety started to grip me.

Thankfully, we have a God who has calmed greater storms than those inside my mind!

Jesus can calm any storm!

This past week, I was carried to the Gospel accounts of Jesus calming the storm; found in Matthew, Mark and Luke. I have camped there for a few days and have been greatly encouraged.

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, ‘Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?’ They were terrified and asked each other, ‘Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!’” (Mk. 4:39-41)

Just as He can calm the ranging sea, I know He can calm the sea of anxiety in my mind. I must depend on Him.

Furthermore, I can do all things through His strength (Phil. 4:13) and He will meet all my needs (Phil. 4:19).

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts:

Have you ever been physically overcome with stress? What was going on in your life? How were you able to work your way through that season of anxiety?

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