Leadership, Ministry


Our church is experiencing one of those seasons!

One of those seasons where the excitement of ministry success is around every corner!

We’ve seen our unchurched and de-churched attendance increase, with some starting to give their lives to Christ, and even join Ministry Teams. In step with this, requests for baptism and church membership have also increased.

It won’t always be this way.

I understand that every church goes through highs and lows in ministry. But I’ll be honest that right now feels so amazing!

I’m trying to soak it up while it lasts! At the same time, trying hard to remain humble, cognoscente that it’s the Spirit’s work through us, that’s bringing about these wins.

Lastly, I’m trying not get distracted by the adversity.

That’s right, I said adversity.

This week, I sat down with my mentor to discuss this incredible season of growth, highlighting a couple individual stories of ministry wins. We also discussed the strange adversity that seems to follow.

Throughout this season, there have been odd hiccups (for lack of a better word) of discouragement, seemingly coming out of nowhere. Obviously, a public blog post is no place for specifics, but having a number experiences and hearing similar situations from other pastors, adversity can include a variety of out-of-nowhere events.

  • A Ministry Leader quits with little to know advanced notice or reasons why.
  • A couple or family randomly leave the church, with an excuse that doesn’t seem to fit.
  • A nasty email comes in from a longtime member in the middle of a dozen encouraging emails on the same topic.
  • A big expense or building repair appears without warning, cutting into the ministry budget.

And the list goes on. You rack your brain trying to figure out how these things can happen while experiencing so many blessings!

I do understand the balance.

In case anyone’s planning on throwing out some reformed theology on me, I get it. I understand that God is sovereign and we’re serving in a world full of adversity because that’s the Christian life.

And yet, at the risk of over-spiritualizing this situation, I firmly believe Scripture is clear that we have an Adversary, the Devil, that wants to break down and destroy any wins that the Church may have.

Satan’s in the business of killing ministry wins!

I’m not saying that we should over-focus on this reality. But I am saying we should be aware of it. Maybe even plan for it?

Any pastor or church leader who has experienced an exciting season of ministry success, knows full well the adversity that follows. We can’t let it break us down.

We must preach the Gospel to ourselves each and every day, not getting lazy during the wins, understanding that we do not battle in flesh in blood. By pursuing the humility that Christ showed us at the Cross, we’ll be able to continue shepherding well.

By laying the adversity aside, at the foot of the Cross, we allow the Spirit-led ministry-excitement spur us on.

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