Bible, Discipleship


How humble people follow God’s plan.

I don’t think I’m the only person who struggles with humility.

When life’s going well it’s not overly difficult. But when life is hard, humility becomes really hard!

We feel like the world’s against us, or that no one is acknowledging our efforts in a particular circumstance or relationship. It gets really difficult to stay humble then.

Until we understand the big picture.

The Apostle Peter provides some great big picture instruction on the topic of humility, in his first letter to the early church.

Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you,

1 Peter 5:5-6

There’s two key truths found in these two verses. I’ll start with the lighter truth, before moving to the sobering reality.

1. Humility is alignment with God.

Key number one is found in verse 6. We’re told that at the “proper time” God will “exalt” us.

Exalt: To think or speak very highly of (someone or something).

Oxford Dictionary

This key truth speaks to a plan that is already in motion. There is a proper time in which we will be exalted. And it’s on God’s watch, not on ours.

If I’m to be honest, I want to choose when I’m exalted. And more times than not, I want to be exalted right away, and perhaps, all the time. But that’s not in alignment with what God sees as the proper time.

The plan that He has set in motion is different than what I might have chosen for myself. I need to rest in, and align myself with the plan that he has graciously called me into through Jesus.

2. (Therefore) Pride is opposition against God.

Key number two is found in verse 6. We read the word “therefore” after the words, “Humble yourselves”. This sends us back to Peter’s previous statement in verse 5.

Peter quotes James (the brother of Jesus), who is quoting Old Testament Proverbial wisdom.

“God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

1 Peter 5:5 & James 4:6 (Proverbs 3:34)

When we choose to reject humility, placing ourselves in a position of pride, we place our ourselves in direct opposition against God. He in turn, opposes all of our efforts to chart our own course.

Am I the only one who finds this sobering?

And maybe even a bit terrifying?

But maybe you’re wondering, “Why does God oppose pride? Why is pride the sin noted? Why not greed, lust, or gluttony?”

Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown provide some significant theological insight into a probable answer.

Other sins flee from God: pride alone opposeth itself to God; therefore, God also in turn opposes Himself to the proud [GERHARD in ALFORD].

Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary

When we choose lust, we flee from God’s plan for sex, and marriage. When we choose greed, or gluttony, we flee from God’s plan for contentment.

However, when we choose pride, we position ourselves against God, going in direct opposition. So, we should not be surprised when God opposes our pride.

Accepting Humility’s Big Picture

Acceptance of these key truths is one step. Putting them into practice is a different story altogether. Let’s be honest; it’s a daily struggle isn’t it?

Thankfully, in verses 7-9, Peter provides some helpful insight into the daily struggle with humility. More on that later this week.

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