Books, Ministry


Staffing resource for churches, camps, and Christian ministries.

Hiring ministry staff in our modern era is one of the most difficult challenges we face as church leaders.

Why? Because we’re not corporate, and we’re not government. We classify as a not-for-profit, but we’re nothing like a not-for-profit. On one end of the spectrum, we look like mom-n-pop outfits, while on the other end, we receive the “mega” label. We’re rural and urban, rich and poor, liberals and conservatives, our independent collective, diverse yet united.

We are the Church.

We’re a completely different entity all together. And it’s time we embraced those differences. As the Church, our resumes should look and feel different. Our interviews should be conducted differently. Our entire search process should be different.

This will bring about different results; Lord willing, lasting and revitalizing results!

This will be a new starting point.

Before you scan another resume, before you call another reference, before you schedule another interview, work through this simple guide book. It will help you find the right church staff; leading you through five phases titled, The Five C’s of Effective Ministry Staffing.

Download Your “Finding Church Staff” eBook

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