Leadership, Ministry


Living & Serving in Compact Community

There have been many books and resources written on how to create effective ministry within the local church. These materials have aided numerous pastors, and ministry leaders, present company included.

There’s just one problem. Almost all of them seem to make the assumption that ministry is lived out within a large urban context, or at least a mid-sized city.

Of course, this doesn’t stop us from using them.

We give it our best shot.

We work tirelessly, trying to bring these models into our compact communities. As plans are implemented, they don’t adequately fulfil what is needed in our smaller contexts.

Realistically, they don’t often fit the thousands of small churches found all over the Western world. Including most of the churches found in big cities.

No, this isn’t a post written against mega churches, or even large churches. I believe church models should be as unique as the Believers inside of them. There’s plenty of room within the message of the Gospel for all sizes and types of church.

We should all keep trying new things, and sharing the wealth of ideas.

I’m just taking the small community perspective.

Not a better perspective, but a different perspective. There are many challenges doing ministry within compact community.

Compact life and ministry causes every action to have immediate, and often quite personal reactions. And yet, because of this context, there is huge potential for integration, fellowship and massive wins for the Kingdom!

Ultimately that’s what we’re all striving for; wins for the Kingdom.

Where are you right now?

As you read this post, physically, where do you live and serve?

  • Are you in a rural town surrounded by farmland?
  • Are you in a quaint sea-side port

Perhaps you’re in an isolated context?

  • A forested hamlet in the mountains?
  • A northern wilderness village?

Perhaps you’re the small community within the larger one?

  • On the outside as a commuter-driven bedroom municipality?
  • On the inside as a trendy downtown neighbourhood?

What compact community are you in right now?

Wherever you are, God has given you that community. On this day, for a specific reason, your community needs you.

My prayer is that God will show you that with the right vision, and the right team, matched with a fervent dependency on His leading, successful ministry is possible in any community. Regardless of size or location, you can, and will experience incredible wins!

To everyone who might be struggling to provide a solid ministry within your compact community, take heart.

  • I understand that you don’t have a 300+ congregation to pull your resources from.
  • I know what its like to have a hand-full of people make up your leadership team, and all of them volunteers.
  • Maybe you’re without a lead pastor or your local body has gone through a time of ‘transition’. (Now there’s a loaded church-term!) I’ve been there too.

Lastly, and perhaps the most difficult to hear.

Perhaps you’ve allowed some personal opinion, or unresolved sin destroy some of what God has provided? Don’t give up! We’ve all been there. I’ll say it again, take heart.

Despite all these hurdles, I’ve learned some valuable lessons. I’ve experienced the growth that God can provide through a dedicated, multi-generational, grass-roots team. One who remains steadfast, and united.

The road may be rocky, and full of obstacles. Yet, I assure you. You have everything you need to experience, and achieve the life-changing ministry that your heart is yearning for.

Ministry within compact community can have a massive kingdom impact.

Be encouraged!

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