Communication, Discipleship


And How To Fight Them!

When we enter into a new community of people, it can end up being an entirely new culture of people.

This new community of people, with its unique culture, will inevitably challenge us on some level. In my experience, churches are one such community.

Most churches have a culture.

Most churches have a culture that has been established over many years and will not easily change. Newcomers with new ideas will not be readily accepted as those who have been established in that church culture over many years.

Therefore, arriving at a well-established church can be an extremely anxiety-filled experience. With this challenge and anxiety, a few negative responses can take place if we’re not careful.

1. Lies

The lies that come with insecurity might tell us that we’re not good enough. That we’re not the right fit into this particular church culture.

Be patient. Wait it out. Engage in conversation and watch as people open up. It takes time.

2. Fear

Inner fear of rejection might cause us to shy away from tough conversations and pretend everything’s just fine.

Instead, choose bravery and whole-heartedly engage the culture; the good, the bad, and the ugly. (Because every church has got a bit of ugly!)

3. Sin

The pressures of cultural change might bring about unresolved sin in our lives. Our sin is great at convincing us to quit the church all too soon.

Instead, move toward the conviction that’s rising to the surface. Embrace what the Holy Spirit might be doing inside your heart and mind.

Relying On Christ

In these types of situations, we need to rely on Christ’s strength to engage with the people. Authenticity in all areas of life will generate trust and open arms into the community.

I’m not saying that there won’t be difficulties. I’m also not saying that we should take a go with the flow response to that culture. After all, new ideas can lead to growth and positive change!

God Is Faithful

In all these things, remember that God is faithful, not giving us anything that we can not bear. (1 Cor. 10:13) He will be faithful in the grace He shows us when we need it, and He is steadfast in allowing us to trip and fall when we need that.

Don’t give up. You’re there for a reason. We should only quit when God says it’s time.

Join the Conversation; Share Your Thoughts:

Have you ever had a tough experience, entering into a well-established church community? What advice could you give someone who’s in that situation right now?

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