Leadership, Ministry


Church Revitalization Training Opportunity

Canada’s Christian landscape has changed drastically over the past few decades. According to research, Church attendance fell from an average of 88% in 1975 to 66% in 2011, and has continued to decline.

Within the Millennial Generation, church attendance has sunk to 35%, and the rising Generation Z is trending lower.

Then we entered into a global pandemic.

Everything has shifted once again.

Do we want the church to survive, our thrive? We, the Canadian Church, face a choice with 3 options as we move into a new decade:

  1. We can get discouraged.
  2. We can get apathetic.
  3. We can get motivated.

I believe Jesus is calling us to get motivated! And that’s what I’m trying to help churches do.

Church Revitalization Strategy Workshop

I can provide a strategic online workshop for any church, ministry, or leadership team that are looking to inspire, and permeate their church with new life, and vitality.

Looking at current research and statistics, and reflecting theologically on our roles and responsibilities; this Church Revitalization Strategy Workshop will guide you through the following objectives:

  • The Logical Condition of the Church
  • The Theological Solutions for the Church
  • The Philosophical Option for the Church

The eventual goal is to unpack the theological implications of Church Revitalization, as well as some of the ministry philosophies used to bring people back into union with the Church. And more importantly, to bring those outside the church into understanding and accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Does your church needs revitalization? Let’s talk! (Complete the form below.)

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