Discipleship, Leadership


We all wear a lot of hats!

Regardless of the career we’re in, we all have roles and responsibilities that we must maintain. Planning, maintenance, projects, budgets, management, emails and meetings; we all have to work.

We can’t neglect our work commitments. And yet, we should be careful that we don’t sacrifice our family for the sake of a job. Regardless of how much money we may bring home, fully providing for one’s family means more than just food on the table.

Paul writes these words to the Ephesian church.

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” (6:4)

What does exasperate really mean?

This verse is typically referenced toward parents who are too harsh to their children. However, exasperation can take many forms. For example, what if we choose to be absent for meals, family outings, and special events, all for the sake of work?

This can be exasperating for our families!

If we are to provide for our families with the same fervency that we put into our work, we have to balance our time. In order to truly bring our families into the training and instruction of the Lord, we have to actually be there.

Actually being there!

What does it mean to actually be there? To be present? It means actually checked in, and paying attention to what the family is engaged in.

Let’s just think back through the past week and ask ourselves (myself included) some tough questions:

  • How have I been engaged with my family this week?
  • How have I specifically spent time with my spouse?
  • How have I been present for each of my children?

Maybe it’s time we take out our phones and calendars, and block out some time? We should make some monthly or even better, weekly appointments to specifically nurture family time.

Join the Conversation; Share your Thoughts

Each week, how much time do you spend with your family? Are you feeling like your career is stealing that time away? How will you find balance, in order to nurture family time?

Your thoughts are valuable! Why not leave a few?