Bible, Discipleship, Leadership, NT

When Should We Pray For Our Nation and Its Leaders?

Learning to pray no matter the outcome.

With all the responsibilities we carry, it’s tough to take a moment and think about the bigger picture.

  • How are national leaders and government institutions affecting our career roles?
  • Would we have this position during a time of war or political unrest?
  • Do we benefit from living in a peaceful nation?

Sometimes we feel like everything is terrible. And yet, in reflection of the past 100 years, maybe not so bad? In reflection of the past 300 years, fairly good! And yet, I get it; in this moment, it can be tough to see any positives.

What do we do with our frustrations with where our nation is headed, when there’s validity to our concerns? Paul’s letter to his apprentice Timothy provides some useful insight.

1 Timothy 2 begins with this statement:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:1-4)

Learning to pray as much as we worry (or complain).

As Christians, we should be showing initiative in all areas of our lives. This includes our prayer life. Clearly, from Paul’s instruction to Timothy, prayer for national leaders is critical. What if we considered the stresses and difficulties of our current roles, and contrasted them to those working in the political arena? Would we want their job if we could have it? Are we sure we’d do a better job?

Maybe you would do a better job, but I doubt it’d be perfect. And it would remove being under the microscope of media and scrutiny. I’m convinced that it’s not easy to be a high-ranking government official, despite what we might assume.

I understand I might be ruffling a few feathers. As a conservative-leaning man myself, I assure you, I’m often frustrated. And yet, I can’t disregard Biblical instruction. Regardless of whether or not I agree with their policies, I need to support national leaders through prayer. I might not always vote for them, but I need to pray for them.

Learning to pray for a world that has it worse than us.

We should never forget how good we have it; those of us living in Western society. As we bow our heads and close our eyes, we need to consider the nations who are currently facing war, depression, civil and polictal unrest or natural disasters.

How much more will we be brought into thansgiving for our nation and its leaders, that we live in relative peace and prosperity.?

The 1 Timothy 2 Prayer Challenge:

Step 1: Book an hour of quite time into your schedule today.

  1. Start with a short prayer, request the Holy Spirit’s revelation.
  2. Begin reading through 1 Timothy 2 with a journal or notes app open.
  3. As you read each verse, write down each insight or principle that God reveals to you.
  4. As you finish the chapter, read over your list.

Step 2: Begin an extended time of prayer.

  1. Pray through each point on your list, related to the grace and goodness you live under.
  2. Pour out thanskgiving to the Lord for all He has provided, and all He has revealed to you in this moment.
  3. Name each of our nation’s leaders, whether you perceive them as good or bad.
    • Request God’s intercession into their lives.
    • Request God’s provision of peace and rest as they labour.

Optional Step 3: If you’re feeling courageous enough.

  1. Create a plan to pray for our country and its leaders on a weekly basis.
  2. To really take this challenge seriously, be the initiator of this request in your regular small group, prayer meeting or Bible study.

I am certain that you will toil through some of this challenge. However, I assure you, that in the end you will feel more connected to God and His plan for our nation, and our world. Not that your received some prophetic insight, but that you’ll be brought into a greater appreciation of His sovereignty and the common grace that we receive.

Join the Conversation, Leave Your Thoughts

  • Are you thankful are you for the country we live in? Why or why not?
  • Would you be able to have your current career if you lived in another country?
  • How would your life being different if our country was at war, in depression or civil unrest?

Your thoughts are valuable! Why not leave a few?